June M Lay M.S.
Canine & Feline Nutrition Consulting

Certified Veterinary Medical Assistant & Nutritionist AVMA Approved
Canine & Feline Nutrition services include:
- Recommendations for optimal foods for health both commercial and non commercial foods
- Learning how to read pet food labels
- Nutrition recommendations to enhance disease management
- Homemade recipes using human food formulated using Veterinary software
- Working with your Vet as needed
Animals have become my passion, so adding health & nutrition for our companion animals was a natural extension of my professional pursuits and education.
My aim is to educate and empower furry parents so that they may give their best friends the best chance for a long healthy life.
Food is the raw material and the building blocks for every function the body needs. I crossed over and studied dog/cat health & nutrition from human health & nutrition after losing 2 of my beloved best friends.
I now cook human food for my little adopted Sophie, along with other natural non toxic treatments. I look forward to helping your precious best friend(s).
Learn more about me at www.junefit.me
- New Client consultation without human food diet formulated $50.00
- Consultation including food formulated and followup session $95.00
- Additional client followups $ 25.00
Contact me june@junefit.com
Thank you for helping Lucy be healthier and stronger the last few years. It was amazing how much healthier she became when she started eating your recipes. Even Mark said today he would never feed a dog anything but freshly cooked food. I know she appreciates everything you did for her (and us).
Jill, Mark, Allegra and of course our princess Lucy.
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